Finding a New Home

Cat Mollie in our Garden, Andalucia, Spain.

Meooow…Mollie here! I’m living it up with my people in the south of Andalucia. Well, it hasn’t always been sunshine and rainbows here. My new life began when I meowed at a random door in my neighborhood. As luck would have it, the people who lived there responded by feeding me milk and delicious food. So, why not make their house my permanent home, I thought…

Sofas with thick pillows that
seem made just for me

My new home is quite a contrast to what I had before. There is an abundance of soft places to rest. Sofas with thick pillows that seem made just for me! Sometimes even a bed, if my people would let me. My favorite place, however, is the terrace, where I often stretch out on the sun loungers. It’s the perfect place to keep an eye on the rodents when they have a field day in the garden!

Cat Mollie in our Garden, Andalucia, Spain.

When I catch something, I always like to share it with my people. It’s like giving something back for all they do for me. To my surprise, they don’t seem to appreciate it at all! I’ve learned not to hold it against them.

Looking back, I cannot say that life here has always been easy. I was born with many brothers and sisters. We were looked after by a kind woman, but her house was already full of other cats she cared for. She called me Miti, but couldn’t keep me. When I found my new people, they gave me a new name: Mollie! 

Cat Mollie in our Garden, Andalucia, Spain.